
Bremen State Radioactivity Measurements Laboratory

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Seminar WS 2019/20
On Mondays,14h15 to 15h30; S 1260


Date Speaker Topic
October, 21st Volker Hormann Introduction
November, 4th Marievi Souti

Introduction to Environmental Radioactivity and Radiation Measurement

November, 18th Twishashish Roy
Nuclear fusion in stars
November, 25th

Cristina Oballe

Uranium in groundwater
December, 2nd Saddam Hussain Ansari

Nuclear Fission and applications

December, 16th Wei Bin Lin (Carl) Absorption of radiation in matter and radiation doses
January, 6th Singh cancelled!       Basics of Pb-210 dating
January, 13th Volker Hormann The fundamentals and pitfalls of modelling
January, 20th Helmut Fischer Internal doses from incorporated radionuclides
January, 27th Manuel Pérez Mayo cancelled!     Pb-210 dating in lakes


Seminar SS 2019
On Mondays,14h15 to 15h30; S 1260


Date Speaker Topic
April, 1st Volker Hormann Introduction
May, 13th Helmut Fischer Manuel Pérez Mayo

Conference report: 4th International Conference on Polonium and Radioactive Pb isotopes

June, 3rd Marievi Souti Manuel Pérez Mayo Helmut Fischer Measurement of isotopes used in Nuclear Medicine
July, 1st

Volker Hormann

Behaviour of Americium, Plutonium, Technetium and Iodine in soils
July, 8th Manuel Pérez Mayo

 postponed until further notice    Sediment dating

July, 15th Marievi Souti cancelled! Quality assurance in gamma-ray spectroscopy



Seminar WS 2018/19
On Mondays,14h15 to 15h30; S 1260


Date Speaker Topic
October, 15th Volker Hormann Introduction
October, 22nd Helmut Fischer I-131 in the atmosphere
November, 12th Manuel Pérez Mayo Sediment dating (Tegeler See)
November, 26th
Helmut Fischer
Detection of 106Ru following the atmospheric contamination in October 2017
December, 10th

Marievi Souti Manuel Pérez Mayo

Canberra in situ workshop
December, 17th
Volker Hormann
Fundamentals of modelling - Occam's Razor and other Tools
January, 14th Edda Toma Rearrangement of the IMIS system - IMIS 3
January, 21st Marievi Souti Radiation protection course - A report


Seminar SS 2018
On Mondays,14h15 to 15h30; S 1260


Date Speaker Topic
April, 25th (Wednesday!) Lasse Hinders (14.00 h, Room U2110)     Gamma-detector efficiency calibration
May, 7th Manuel Pérez Mayo
 Geochronology with an Indonesian sediment core
May, 14th Conor Murray Medical 131I in the River Hunte
May, 28th Marievi Souti 131I in rivers and sediments
June, 4th
Volker Hormann
Modelling chemical sorption of radionuclides in soils
June, 18th
Helmut Fischer
cancelled!  Detection of 106Ru following the atmospheric contamination in October 2017
June, 25th
Helmut Fischer
Marievi Souti
Edda Toma

cancelled!  The German Integrated Measuring and Information System (IMIS)


Seminar WS 2017/18
On Mondays,14h15 to 15h30; S 1260


Date Speaker Topic
October, 16th Volker Hormann Introduction
October, 23rd Dana Pittauer
 Report on the Risø gamma workshop
November, 6th Hareem Ikram Plutonium in lake sediments
November, 13th Volker Hormann ICRP-ERPW conference report
November, 20th
Helmut Fischer
Marievi Souti
Manuel Pérez Mayo
ICRER conference report
December, 4th
Lasse Hinders
Neutrino detection at a nuclear power plant
December, 18th
Marievi Souti
postponed !     131I in rivers and sediments
January, 15th Conor Murray Medical 131I in the River Hunte - The story so far
January, 22nd Hareem Ikram   postponed (31.10.2018, 13.00 h, U2110)    Plutonium in lake sediments (thesis presentation)
January, 29th
Lasse Hinders
cancelled!   tba



Seminar SS 2017
On Mondays,14h15 to 15h30; N 1250


Date Speaker Topic
April, 10th Helmut Fischer Volker Hormann Introduction and lab instructions
April, 24th Volker Hormann
 NonLinFit - A code for nonlinear least squares curve fitting
May, 8th
Manuel Pérez Mayo
Transmission experiments using 155Eu for low energy gamma efficiency determination
May, 15th    
May, 22nd
Edda Toma
The Risø method for Plutonium extraction
June, 12th
Dana Pittauer  Manuel Pérez Mayo
ENVIRA conference report
June, 19th
Hareem Ikram
cancelled! Plutonium and americium in sediments
June, 26th
Simon Rümmler
Radionuclides in sediments from the rooftop of Bunker Valentin
July, 3rd
Conor Murray
131I in Hunte sediments


Seminar WS 2016/17
On Mondays,14h15 to 15h30; S 1260


Date Speaker Topic
October, 17th Helmut Fischer Volker Hormann Introduction
October, 24th Dana Pittauer
 South Pacific Environmental Radioactivity Association conference report
October, 31st
Helmut Fischer
How to Write a Competitive Proposal - report about a workshop on EU funding
November, 14th
Seville Radioecolcon conference report
November, 21st
Marievi Souti 
131I river model
December, 12th
Edda Toma
Lab safety: Standard vs. advanced eye rinsing
December, 19th
Katerina Anesiadou
Re-examination of 137Cs in undisturbed soil in two regions of Northern Germany
January, 9th
Lasse Hinders
Efficiency transfer of gamma detectors
January, 10th
14:15, room U2110
Nikola Markovic, Technical University of Denmark
Gamma-gamma coincidence spectrometry
January, 16th 
Manuel Pérez Mayo
Modeling 137Cs migration in sediments from Tegeler See
January, 23th
Dana Pittauer  Bernd Hettwig
Discussion of Pu analysis
January, 30th Volker Hormann An introduction to curve fitting - what is a good fit?



Seminar SS 2016
On Mondays,14h15 to 15h30; S 1360


Date Speaker Topic
April, 4th Helmut Fischer Volker Hormann Introduction
April, 18th Marievi Souti Finite Element Methods
April, 25th
Helmut Fischer
Berlin Conference Report
May, 9th
Tatjana Ries (HS Ravensberg-Weingarten)
Measurement and modelling of distribution and transport of radiocesium in a eutrophic lake system
May, 27rd (Friday) Walter Geibert (AWI) (will be held at AWI !)
Measuring Th, Pa, U and Ra isotopes by sector-field ICP-MS
May, 30th Volker Hormann Results of the 131I WWTP measurement campaign and modelling

Tuesday, June, 7th in room U2110

Edda Toma

Fast extraction method for 90Sr

June, 13th Manuel Pérez Mayo Sediment analysis of samples from Tegeler See - diffusion models
June, 20th Bernd Hettwig postponed Discussion of Pu analysis
June, 27th Katerina Anesiadou
137Cs in soil samples

Seminar WS 2015/16
On Mondays,14h15 to 15h30; S 1260


Date Speaker Topic
October, 12th Helmut Fischer Volker Hormann Introduction
October, 19th Till Oehler Measuring Submarine Groundwater Discharge via Radon and Radium isotopes
October, 26th
Envira Conference Report
November, 9th
Dominik Höweling
Gamma-detector shielding
November, 23rd Helmut Fischer

Recent detection and identification of radioactive material in Bremerhaven

November, 30th Majvor Mack Cs-137 in Fukushima sewage sludge
December, 7th Aleksandra Cupial Distribution of Caesium-137 in the Baltic Sea
December, 14th Dana Pittauer Pu and Am in sediments of the Indonesian throughflow
January, 11th Bernd Hettwig Hardware and signal processing in gamma-spectroscopy
January, 18th Manuel Pérez Mayo Chronology of lake sediments
January, 26th Marievi Souti   cancelled!    I-131 in Weser water and sediments - new results
February, 1st Volker Hormann Parameters, models and model comparison
February, 15th  (extra date) Noha Emam           S 1330 Measurements of radioactivity levels in different environmental samples of Burullus Lake, Egypt

Seminar SS 2015
On Mondays,14h15 to 15h30; S 1360


Date Speaker Topic
April, 13th

Volker Hormann Helmut Fischer Introduction
April, 27th Helmut Fischer Report on the EGU meeting in Vienna
May, 18th Prince Benjamin Amoo Be-7 in environmental media in Bremen
June, 1st
June, 8th Bernd Hettwig cancelled!  Gamma detector electronics
June, 15th Oliver Kolloge Results of the I-131 sampling campaigns in the WWTP Seehausen
June, 22nd Dominik Höweling Progress in gamma detector shielding
June, 29th Volker Hormann First results in modelling the flux of I-131 through the WWTP Seehausen
July, 6th Marievi Souti I-131 in Weser water and sediments
July, 13th Manuel Pérez Mayo  Sediment Chronology Models

Seminar WS 2014/15
On Mondays,14h15 to 15h30; S 1260


Date Speaker Topic
October, 13th Volker Hormann Introduction
October, 27 Lasse Hinders Comparison of in situ and laboratory soil measurements
November, 10th
Susanne Ulbrich
I-131 in sewer systems
November, 17th
Helmut Fischer Marievi Souti
Volker Hormann
Barcelona ICRER conference report
December, 1st Manuel Perez Mayo Efficiency calibration of gamma spectrometers
December, 8th Volker Hormann Modelling and measurement of I-131 in wastewater treatment plants
December, 15th Marievi Souti I-131 in river water
January 5th Edda Toma Rapid methods for Sr-90 determination
January, 12th Prince Benjamin Amoo  Be-7 in rainwater
January, 19th Bernd Hettwig Gamma detector electronics - postponed
January, 26th Dominik Höweling Gamma detector shielding

Seminar SS 2014
On Mondays,14h15 to 15h30; S 1360


Date Speaker Topic
April, 28th

Volker Hormann Introduction
May, 5th Dana Pittauerova Nic Ransby Report on the visit of the Fukushima Wastewater Treatment Plant
May, 12th Helmut Fischer Radioisotopes in Fukushima sewage sludge / Report on Vienna EGU conference 
May, 19th
May, 26th Lisa Marie Zeiss Assessment of doses to the public after the Fukushima accident
June, 16th Chioma Uchenna Nwankwo Radioactivity in a scrap metal recycling facility in Nigeria
June, 23th Stefan Kijak MRI contrast enhancement using paramagnetic relaxation agents
June, 30th Volker Hormann Modelling and measurement of radioisotopes in wastewater treatment plants
July, 7th Lasse Hinders  Comparison of in-situ and soil sample measurements
July, 14th Marievi Souti Be-7 in rainwater
July, 21th Edda Toma   Sreejesh Nair Pu extraction from waste water

Seminar WS 2013/14
On Mondays,14h15 to 15h30; S 1260


Date Speaker Topic
October, 14th

Helmut Fischer Introduction
November, 4th Helmut Fischer Misuse of unsealed medical radionuclides
November, 18th Homa Ghasemifard Sonne cruise report
November, 25th
Sreejesh Nair
Interaction of U-, Mg-, Ca-, Sr- and As species in natural water and its impact on the mobility of U
December, 2nd Susanne Ulbrich Measurements of I-131 in wastewaster
December, 9th Felix Rogge Statistical analysis of data I
December, 16th Volker Hormann Statistical analysis of data II
January, 6th Marievi Souti Extraction of I-131 from surface waster
January, 13th Dana Pittauerova   Pb-210 dating of lake sediments
January, 20th Edda Toma cancelled!   Analytical aspects of thorium extraction
January, 27th Helmut Fischer Radiation effects and radiation risk

Seminar SS 2013
On Mondays,14h15 to 15h30; S 1360


Date Speaker Topic
April, 8th

Helmut Fischer Introduction
April, 22nd Edda Toma/Helmut Fischer Lab safety instructions
April, 29th Helmut Fischer Xe-131m in medical packing material
May, 6th
Volker Hormann
Environmental chemistry of iodine
May, 27th Susanne Ulbrich cancelled!  Transport of I-131 in wastewaster
June, 3rd Marievi Souti The OSPAR project: I-131 in german river water
June, 10th Mathis Konrad Nuclear magnetic relaxation in tissues and similar substances
June, 17th Bernd Hettwig Interesting aspects of gamma spectroscopy
June, 24th  Aimuamwosa Igbinosa   Be-7 in rainwater and atmospheric dust
July, 1st Felix Rogge Results of the NMR gel dosimetry master project

Seminar WS 2012/13
On Mondays, 14h15 to 15h30; S 1260


Date Speaker Topic
October, 15th

Helmut Fischer Introduction
November, 19th Tammo Loebe Documenting beam data of clinical linear accelerators
November, 26th Mohammed Khalil Saeed Salih Introduction to Monte Carlo Geant4 code studies in the activation products in medical linear accelerators
December, 3rd
Felix Rogge
NMR gel dosimetry - first results
December, 10th Susanne Ulbrich Experimental results from the OSPAR project
December, 17th Volker Hormann cancelled!        Environmental chemistry of iodine
January, 14th Homa Ghasemifard Pb-210 in Amazon sediments
January, 21th Edda Toma Chemical sample preparation for Sr-90 analysis
January, 28th  Helmut Fischer cancelled!     Radiation effects and radiation risk

Seminar SS 2012
On Mondays, 14h00 to 15h30; S 1360


Date Speaker Topic
April, 16th

Helmut Fischer Introduction
May, 7th Felix Rogge     Gel dosimetry by NMR in the Earth's magnetic field
June, 4th Helmut Fischer IRPA Conference Report
June, 18th
Helmut Fischer
Air activation at medical accelerator facilities
June, 25th Volker Hormann Account of the BIOPROTA meeting and INSINUME conference
July, 2nd Dana Pittauerová Amadeus cruise report
July, 16th  Bernd Hettwig Experiences of the Bremen State Radioactivity Measurements Laboratory in connection with the Fukushima accident
July, 23th Susanne Ulbrich I-131 in sewers

Seminar WS 2011/12
On Mondays, 14h00 to 15h30; S 1260 !!


Date Speaker Topic
October, 31st

Helmut Fischer Introduction
November, 28th Volker Hormann     Radionuclide distribution in soils - denpendence on soil parameters
December, 5th Dana Pittauerová Examination of uranium contaminated soil by a synchrotron beam at ANKA, Karlsruhe
December, 12th
Helmut Fischer
The Fukushima accident
December, 19th Anna Nalbandyan (NRPA, Tromsø) NRPA and the Environmental Unit in Tromsø
10h00; W1180 !!
January, 9th Tammo Loebe Eu-isotopes in Sm-153-EDTMP -  detection in vivo and in vitro
January, 23th  Felix Rogge cancelled!    Gel dosimetry by NMR in the Earth's magnetic field
February, 13th Susanne Ulbrich Radionuclide transport in rivers

Seminar SS 2011
On Mondays, 14h00 to 15h30; S 1360 !!


Date Speaker Topic
May, 2nd
Helmut Fischer Activation products in medical linear accelerator facilities
May, 9th Volker Hormann Speciation of Uranium in soil
May, 16th Nic Ransby     The Fukushima accident - technical aspects
May, 30th
Helmut Fischer
The Fukushima accident - radiological consequences
June, 6th Saba Keyvanshokouhi Quantification of short term erosion rates
June, 30th (Thursday, 15h30  U 1050) Felix Rogge Discussion on M.Sc. project: Gel dosimetry by NMR in the Earth's magnetic field
July, 4th Dorothea Gradic Alpha peak fitting
July, 11th Susanne Ulbrich Transport of medical isotopes: pathway from patient
  to wastewater treatment to river sediment

Seminar WS 2010/2011
On Mondays, 14h00 to 15h30; W 1180 !!


Date Speaker Topic
November, 1st Dana Pittauerová NUCLEONICA & Report of the visit to the IAEA MEL laboratories
November, 29th Volker Hormann Speciation and sorption of radionuclides in soil after irrigation with contaminated ground water
January, 10th Poornendu Singh Terrestrial influences on sea ice variability
January, 17th Ahmed Qwasmeh      137Cs in soil, grass and milk
January, 24th Bernd Hettwig / Helmut Fischer Radioluminescent paints
January, 31st Helmut Fischer Nuclear physics concepts applied in the laboratory
February, 7th Abhinand Jha Be-7 as tracer for quantification of  short term erosion rates

Seminar SS 2010
On Mondays, 14h00 to 15h30; S 1360 !!


Date Speaker Topic
May, 3rd Poornendu Singh Time series of in situ data
May, 17th Helmut Fischer 131I in Weser sediment - recent measurements and results
May, 31st Clement Billa     Air sampling techniques
June, 7th Volker Hormann Modelling of radionuclide speciation and transport in soils
June, 21st Bernd Hettwig Problems in 226Ra determination
June, 28th Ahmed Qwasmeh Shielding of gamma spectrometers
July, 5th Felix Rogge  Progress of B.Sc. work (Earth's field NMR)

Seminar WS 2009/2010
On Mondays, 14h00 to 15h30; W 1180 !!


Date Speaker Topic
November, 9th Dana Pittauerova Report: International Topical Conference on Po and Radioactive Pb isotopes
November, 16th Helmut Fischer Kr-85 in gas cylinders
December, 7th Isong Assam Validation of Thyroid Counter ISOMED 2162
December, 14th Volker Hormann Frequency dependence of nuclear surface relaxation in porous media
January, 11th Ahmed Qwasmeh Background optimization of the germanium detectors in the lab
January, 18th Poornendu Singh (cancelled, postponed until summer term!) Time series of in situ data
January, 25th Farhad Shakeri Activation products in medical accelerators
February, 1st Oliver Stein  Whole body counter

Seminar SS 2009
On Mondays, 13h30 to 15h00; S 1260 !!


Date Speaker Topic
May, 4th Andrei Burak Estimation of doses due to Sr-90 in Belarus
(in German)
May, 25th Regine Braatz Helmut Fischer Laboratory safety instructions
June, 15th Poornendu Singh Results of the lab intercomparison test
June, 22th Dana Pittauerova Thorium isotopes in geochronology
June, 29th Pei Wei Foong                                                                                    Radionuclides in therapy
July, 6th Volker Hormann  Neutron activation analysis

Seminar WS 2008/2009
On Mondays, 10h15 to 11h45; S 3032


Date Speaker Topic
November, 17th Helmut Fischer Usage of the in-situ gamma detector as a whole body counter
December 5th
(Friday 13h30, Room U 2110)
Maarten Veevaete Applications of earth's field NMR to porous systems and polymer gels
December, 15th Volker Hormann Radionuclides in the human body
January, 12th Dana Pittauerova Sediment chronology using Pb-210 and Cs-137
January, 19th Isong Assam Detection of high energy gamma rays from winter thunderstorms
January, 26th Clement Billa Radionuclides for internal therapy and diagnosis in medicine
February, 2nd Bernd Hettwig  Detection of low-level gamma radiation


Seminar SS 2008
On Mondays, 10h15 to 11h45; N 1250


Date Speaker Topic
April, 21st H. Fischer Report about Gulf of Eilat cruise
April, 28th W. Nenakhov Radiation exposure by tobacco smoke (in German)
May 5th I. Assam Beam Data Measurements and Commissioning of TPS "Fastplan "- Stereotatic Patient Treatment
May, 19th E. Kamau Alpha spectroscopy - principles and possibilities
June, 9th V. Hormann Metabolic models for radioisotopes
June, 23th C. Billa German NPP and cancer study
June, 30th S. Foschepoth Usage of a 2D chamber array for linac daily check purposes
July, 7th S. Ulbrich Medical radionuclides in waste water

Seminar WS 2007/2008

Date Speaker Topic
October, 22nd Volker Hormann Introduction
November, 5th Isaac Ajayi The transport of  137Cs in soils in Nigeria
December, 10th Volker Hormann Decorporation of radionuclides II
December, 17th Helmut Fischer How to work with scientific literature
January, 7th Isong Assam Initial and routine physical measuements in medical accelerators
January, 21st Susanne Ulbrich 131I in wastewater
January, 28th Dana Pittauerova Radioactivity of thermal springs in Karlsbad
February, 11th Bernd Hettwig
Quality control in gamma-spectroscopy


Seminar SS 2007

Date Speaker Topic
April, 16th Helmut Fischer Introduction
May, 14th Dana Pittauerova Trinitite - a radioactive mineral
June, 4th Nic Ransby Radioisotope management at a commercial NPP
June, 11th Simon Foschepoth Detection of  131I in air
June, 18th Volker Hormann Decorporation of radioisotopes
June, 25th Maarten Veevaete In situ Earth Field NMR
July, 2nd Oliver Bislich NMR Gel dosimetry - first results
July, 9th Isong Assam In vivo PET of activation products
July, 18th Wissam Chehade Implementation of cascade summing correction
July, 27th Ahmed Qwasmeh Modelling of  137Cs depth distribution in soil


Seminar WS 2006/2007

Date Speaker Topic
October, 23th H. Fischer Introduction
November, 6th H. Fischer Principles of percutaneous radiotherapy
November, 27th O. Bislich Clinical radiation dosimetry
December, 4th A. Burak An indirect method for rapid determination of Pu and Sr
isotopes in fresh radioactive fallout
December, 18th M. Veevaete Analysing multi-exponential NMR-data
January, 22nd B. Hettwig The semiconductor gamma spectrometer
January, 29th W. Chehade Coincidence summing correction in gamma spectroscopy
February, 5th L. Grunska Umweltradioaktivität in der Umgebung des AKW Ignalina
(Litauen)" (Vortrag auf deutsch)


Special talks by guest scientist Dr. Isaac Ajayi

Report of 2006 Research Activities at IUP
Tuesday, October10, 10:15 in W1180

Concentration and vertical distribution of 137Cs in the undisturbed soil of Southestern Nigeria
Tuesday, September 26, 10:15 in W1180



Seminar SS 2006

Date Speaker Topic
April, 24th H. Fischer Introduction
May, 29th B. Hettwig Limits of detection in nuclear radiation measurements
June, 12th M. Veevaete New features of the Earth Field NMR apparatus
June, 19th J. Ademola, Ibadan,
Natural radionuclides content of concrete building blocks used in some cities in Nigeria
June, 26th V. Hormann Principles and caveats in data analysis and curve fitting
July, 10th A. Burak Numerical Sr-90 determination from gamma measurements
July, 17th H. Fischer Medical uses of ionizing radiation
July, 24th T. Bielefeld "Dirty Bombs“


Seminar WS 2005/2006

Date Speaker Topic
October, 24th H. Fischer Introduction
November, 7th A. Qwasmeh, A. Burak „Radioactivity in the Environment“, Nice, October 2005
November, 21st M. Veevaete Principles of Earth Field NMR
December, 5th V. Hormann Magnetic relaxation in porous media
December, 19th O. Bislich The medical linear accelerator
January, 9th J. Lachmund Radiation dose of radiography and cardiology workers
January, 23th B. Tabot Activation products in medical linear accelerators
February, 6th A. Qwasmeh Depth distribution and migration of 137Cs in Jordanian soil


Seminar SS 2005

Date Speaker Topic
May, 9th A. Qwasmeh Artificial Environmental Radioactivity in Jordan
May, 23rd H. Fischer Radiation Quantities and Units
May, 30th B. Tabot The CERRIE 2004 Report - new data on radiation risk?
June, 8th R. Goedecke Risks of Non-Ionizing Radiation (special date: Wednesday, 14h c.t.! Room U3050!)
June, 13th - optional
June, 20th I. Ajayi Summary of research work in Bremen
June, 27th J. Lason Unfälle in Kernanlagen (in german/auf deutsch)
July, 4th B. Tabot Status report of M.Sc. thesis


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